EX6: Accessing Nios II memory mapped modules#

In this part we will look closer at how we from software can access and control a memory mapped module in the Nios II system.

The learning outcome of this problem is to:

  • Be able to write and read data from memory mapped peripherals.

  • Be able to use the PIO module to access external resources such as LEDs and switches.

For this purpose we can use the PIO (Parallel Input/Output) IP core. This core can provide general purpose input and output (GPIO) access to peripherals. These I/O ports can connect either to on-chip user logic, or to I/O pins that connect to devices external to the FPGA. For the example presented here we will use the PIO to acquire data from switches and to control LEDs, as shown in Fig. 35.


Fig. 35 Simplified overview of a basic Nios II system with PIO cores.#

The PIO module can also be used to assert an interrupt to the CPU based on input signals. This will be explored and demonstrated in Section 3.6.


More information on available IP cores can be found in the Intel Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide [Int21]. The PIO core is described in chapter 27 on page 307.

Example code on Github

The code for this example can be found here: fys4220/fys4220_nios2_example

Adding the PIO cores#

Open the nios2_system.qsys from EX5: A basic Nios II system in Platform Designer. From the IP catalog, add a PIO core.

Each PIO core can provide upt to 32 I/O ports which can be configured either as intput or output or both. In this example we will use two PIO cores, one with 10 inputs connected to the slide switches, and one with 10 ouputs connected to the LEDs. Name the two PIOs pio_sw and pio_led. Configure the widht of the two PIOs to be 10 bits, and set the direction according to each PIO core’s operation. See example in Fig. 36.


Fig. 36 Example for PIO core configures as a 10 bit wide input.#

Complete the both components interface connections, connecting to them to data interface of the CPU and to the clock and reset interface of the clock source.

Since the PIO components will be used to connect to FPGA hardware outside of the Nios-II system, the external connection interface has to be exported correctly. This can be done by double clicking the corresponding location in the Export column. Keep the default suggested names of led_pio_external_connection and sw_pio_external_connection.

Remember to remove and errors related to overlapping addresses by automatically assigned the base address for the newly integrated PIO cores (System–>Assign Base Address). The system should now look similar to Fig. 37.


Fig. 37 Nios II system with PIO cores.#

Save and regenerated the HDL description of the system. This will update the HDL files found in the nios2_system folder as well as the nios2_system.sopc and nios2_system.qsys files.

Updating the top level HDL#

With the two PIO cores added to the system, it is necessary to also update the top level HDL description with the added external connections to the LEDs and switches. The updated instantiation template can be viewed from (Generate–>Show Instantiation Template). Or from the files nios2_system/nios2_system_inst.vhd. Add the additional ports and connect the top level ports to the respective ports on the Nios II system.

Remember to also add the relevant pin assignments for the LEDs and slide switches in the pinning assigment file. Run the updated Tcl-script to assign the pins.

Recompile the Quartus project to generate a new programming file with the updated system.

Updating the BSP#

Whenever the hardware description of the microcontroller system is modified, the corresponding board support package must also be updated to reflect these change. This can be done by regenerating the BSP project using the command demonstrated in Board Support Package. Navigate to the software folder and type:

$ nios2-bsp hal app_bsp ../quartus/nios2_system.sopcinfo

Nios II HAL macro#

To access a memory mapped module of the Nios II system, its low level interface needs to be specified as part of the hardware abstraction layer. A driver may not be provided for all modules, but as a minium all modules must have a header file that defines the the low level interface. Therefore, all modules support the hardware abstraction layer to some extent. If drivers are not available, the definitions in the header file must be used to access the hardware.

The most basic method to access a memory mapped module is through the HAL macros provided in the io.h header file of the BSP.

This file can be located in the HAL/inc folder of your BSP project and amongst others it provides the following macro functions. For more information about how to define macro objects and functions see section 7.3 in [BBM91].


IORD: Returns data from forom a module with its memory mapped address at location BASE. The OFFSET specifies the relative register address within the module with respecte to the BASE address.

IOWR: Writes the value DATA to a module with its memory mapped address at location BASE. The OFFSET specifies the relative register address within the module with respecte to the BASE address.

The base address of a module is defined when building the Nios II system. To avoid hardcoding the address when using these macro functions, a macro object is generated by the software build tools that defines this address. The macro object is stored in the system.h file which can be found as part of the board support package project.

This file also includes a number of other macro objects for each module of the system. An example of all the macros that are defined for a Nios II PIO module is shown below.

 * pio_led configuration

#define ALT_MODULE_CLASS_pio_led altera_avalon_pio
#define PIO_LED_BASE 0x81000
#define PIO_LED_FREQ 50000000
#define PIO_LED_HAS_IN 0
#define PIO_LED_HAS_OUT 1
#define PIO_LED_HAS_TRI 0
#define PIO_LED_IRQ -1
#define PIO_LED_NAME "/dev/pio_led"
#define PIO_LED_SPAN 16
#define PIO_LED_TYPE "altera_avalon_pio"

This module is generated as part of the embedded systems project in this course and will be used to access the LEDs on the DE10-Lite board. For this example the base address is defined as PIO_LED_BASE replaces the need to use the hardcoded addres value of 0x81000. This address corresponds to the base address shown for the LED PIO module in Fig. 37.

If changes are made to a system the base addresses of the modules may change. As a consequence the system.h file will also be updated with the new address values. By using the defined macro object instead of the hardcoded address value, you therefore avoid having to also update your user application or driver code.


The system.h file is automatically generated when generating the board support package and should NEVER be manually edited!

All modules connected to the Nios II system as part of the Avalon bus has a memory mapped register interface. The IOWR and IORD macros can be used to read from and write to these registers by providing the correct module or base address and internal register offset. The register map for the PIO module is shown in figure 52.


Fig. 38 Register map for the PIO module. Table 273 on page 311 in the Intel Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide.#

By writing and reading to these registers it is possible to configure the PIO module dynamically when running the system. The data register can be used to access the PIO core’s input and output ports. For a PIO module configured as a 10 bit wide output, which will be used to turn on and off LEDs, all LEDs can be turned on by using the following command:


For a module that is configure as an input, e.g. the PIO module connected to the slide switches in the embedded systems project of this coures, the value of the slides swithces can be read by the following command:

int sw_data = IORD(LED_PIO_BASE,0);

To connect the slide switches and LEDs:

int sw_data = IORD(LED_PIO_BASE,0);

Update software#

We will now update the software application from EX5: A basic Nios II system to allow the slide switches to turn of and on the LEDs.

Modify the app.c as shown below.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "system.h" //access Nios II system info
#include "io.h" //access to IORD and IORW
#include "unistd.h" //access to usleep

int main(){
    printf("Hello, World!\n");
    int sw_data = 1;
        sw_data = IORD(PIO_SW_BASE,0);
        usleep(100000); //sleep 100 us
    return 0;

Recompile the software application, reprogram the FPGA with the updated hardware system, and then download the updated application. Verify that the application works by changing the positions of the slide switches.

Additional register access options#

Direct register access#

The Nios II CPU is a 32-bit architecture. That means that all registers of the memory mapped interface will be accessed as 32-bit wide registers. When using the IORD and IOWR macro functions, the word size is assumed to be 32-bit. While the registers are 32-bit wide, the addressing scheme can either be word oriented or byte oriented. The io.h header file also provides macro functions for byte-oriented addressing. The numbers 8, 16, 32 corresponds to the number of bits accessed by the macro.



Here the BASE address corresponds to the module base address similar as for the IORD and IOWR, but the offset on the other hand now corresponds to the byte position. Fig. 39 illustrates the different addressing scheme. When using the IORD macro function, an OFFSET value of 0x1 refers to the second 32-bit register for the memory mapped module that is being accessed. To read the same register when using the byte oriented IORD_32DIRECT macro, the OFFSET value needs to correpsond to the lowest byte position of this register, that is 0x4.


Fig. 39 HAL macro addressing scheme. The numbers indicate the byte positions within a 32-bit wide register.#

PIO macros#

The Nios II HAL also provides a dedicated set of macro functions for the PIO module in the altera_avalon_pio_regs.h header file. This file can be located in the /drivers/inc folder of the board support package project. The main content of the file is shown below.


#include <io.h>

#define IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(base)             IORD(base, 0)
#define IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(base, data)       IOWR(base, 0, data)

#define IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DIRECTION(base)        IORD(base, 1)
#define IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DIRECTION(base, data)  IOWR(base, 1, data)

#define IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_IRQ_MASK(base)         IORD(base, 2)
#define IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_IRQ_MASK(base, data)   IOWR(base, 2, data)

#define IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_EDGE_CAP(base)         IORD(base, 3)
#define IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_EDGE_CAP(base, data)   IOWR(base, 3, data)

#define IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_SET_BITS(base)         IORD(base, 4)
#define IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_SET_BITS(base, data)   IOWR(base, 4, data)

#define IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_CLEAR_BITS(base)         IORD(base, 5)
#define IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_CLEAR_BITS(base, data)   IOWR(base, 5, data)

/* Defintions for direction-register operation with bi-directional PIOs */

#endif /* __ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_REGS_H__ */

It makes use of the IORD and IOWR macro functions to define new macro functions that hides the details of the internal register addresses. That is, if you would like to read the PIO module’s data registers, you can use the IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(base) macro. Example for accessing the PIO module reading the slide switches:


In this case you do not need to know the internal register address of the data registers.